
We must find a scalable way to better measure purpose activation and its relationship with business results, or purpose as a way of doing business will not be sustained.

What We Do

Purpose measurement is a huge frontier for business. Nearly every guest on The CMO Podcast highlights this as a major outage. We must to find a scalable way better measure purpose activation and its relationship with business results, or purpose as a way of doing business will not be sustained.

On October 1 at the ANA CMO Global Growth Summit we shared a new idea for tackling these three big, unanswered purpose-measurement questions. We call them “The Impossible Dream Questions.”
  1. Can there be a single metric to measure brand purpose across sectors and brands
  2. How precisely does purpose drive brand equity and business results?
  3. How can brands know exactly which brand-purpose levers activate growth?
We are doing this in collaboration with the software company BERA, the largest brand equity platform in the world.
What We Do
What We Do
What We Do
What We Do
We are on a promising journey to understand, like never before, the power of purpose in building high-value brands.
Want to learn more? Let’s connect.


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